| Suit of Wands |
"Hestia, Goddess of the Hearth"
Rider Waite Tarot
Pamela Coleman Smith
Water of Fire
- upright -
· Confidence
· Self-Assurance
· Courage
· Independence
· Determination
· Generosity
· Down-to-Earth
· Charisma & Passion
· Compassion
· Self-Knowledge
· Capitulation
· Yielding
· Jealousy
· Vengefulness
· Temperamental
· Low Confidence
· Introverted
· Domineering
· Self-Absorbed
· Frustrated Ambition
- Reversed -
Water of Fire
Rider Waite Tarot
Pamela Coleman Smith
- upright -
· Confidence
· Self-Assurance
· Courage
· Independence
· Determination
· Generosity
· Down-to-Earth
· Charisma & Passion
· Compassion
· Self-Knowledge
- reversed -
· Capitulation
· Yielding
· Jealousy
· Vengefulness
· Temperamental
· Low Confidence
· Introverted
· Domineering
· Self-Absorbed
· Frustrated Ambition
Tarot is urging you to have faith in life and it may be time to take a quantum leap.
Trust the voice of your heart, surrender, and take a leap of faith, even if fear attempts to hold you back.
Where does your heart urge you to go?
What is holding you back from following your heart?
What will the new beginning looks like if you can let go of your fears?
I now follow my heart.
I am open, and ready to go wherever it may lead me to.
I am a radiant being filled with light and love.
I recognize my potential and my ability to manifest my desires.
Love and Mystery Tarot
Ayumi Kasai
Love and Mystery Tarot
Ayumi Kasai
01. Queen of Wands represents:
– Mature people with striking, dynamic features and light, lively demeanors who are alert, and full of high energy
– People of Fire signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
– People who are attractive, confident, dynamic, creative, self-assured, down-to-earth, and adored by all
– Creative energy; strong, effective nurturing or progressive development of work, career, and creative projects
02. Queen of Wands is the reigning queen of Established Strength, the daughter of Mother Earth. She represents creative energy, irrepressible enthusiasm, and vitality. She is a woman with the power of attraction. A lover of nature, she is the most down-to-earth among all queens. Queen of Wands is able to control and channel her creative energy to yield results – she’s warm, motivated, dynamic, creative, passionate, strong-willed, virtuous, ambitious, and a long-term planner.
Viv Tanner & Eli Baum
Viv Tanner & Eli Baum
Zodiac Tarot
Ana Chávez
Zodiac Tarot
Ana Chávez
03. Queen of Wands is courageous and individualistic, with positive and uplifting energy, extreme focus, and fiery passion. She reminds you that you are here to manifest your creative visions and share your gifts with others. You know what you want and are masterful at engaging with others to achieve your goals. Queen of Wands asks you to be bold in your undertakings and actions. You have so much to offer – stay fiercely determined on your goals and shine your light bright!
04. Queen of Wands suggests that you are a force in your field. You have the ability to execute your ideas with determination and passion. Your inner vibrancy fills you with energy and inspiration – you are a natural-born leader who instills confidence and power in those surrounding you. You create a powerful first impression and can quickly win people over with your sweet, warm and charming nature. They will be drawn in by your energy and together you can create positive change in the world.
Visconti-Sforza Tarot
Bonifacio Bembo & Francesco Sforza
Visconti-Sforza Tarot
Bonifacio Bembo & Francesco Sforza
Amano Tarot
Yoshitaka Amano
Amano Tarot
Yoshitaka Amano
05. Queen of Wands encourages you to get to know your shadow self, the lesser-known, or sometimes, the darker side of you. This doesn’t necessarily need to be a negative aspect but could be something that most people don’t know about you yet. It may be your dark sense of humor, a secret from your past, or a passion project you’ve kept hidden away. Queen of Wands encourages you to express yourself more openly to connect with people on a deeper level.
The Fountain Tarot
By Jonathan Saiz & Andi Todaro
The Muse Tarot
06. The reversed Queen of Wands can represent someone who is vengeful, self-absorbed, and self-centered, with a fiery temper that can occasionally go out of control. It can indicate a jealous, domineering person who is neglectful of others’ needs, or a difficult experience with an older, motherly figure.
07. Queen of Wands reversed can suggest that you feel more introverted than usual. Don’t push yourself to be extroverted and “out there”, honor your needs to be alone and hear your inner voice. She invites you to bring your energy and attention inward to focus on rebuilding your sense of self and accessing your personal strengths. Discover who you are and be courageous in expressing yourself in everything you do, even if it is different from what others expect of you.
08. You might feel a lack of enthusiasm right now. You might be afraid of being confrontational, and your passivity could prevent you from achieving your objectives. Queen of Wands reversed asks you to look for that spark of fire that exists inside of you, your hopes and dreams, and remind yourself you know how to bring the fire back again.
See if you feel connected to one of the cards more than the others.
Tap or hover over each image for the deck information.